NEWS12 April 2023

QuMind launches emoji-based consumer sentiment index

CX New business News UK

UK – Consumer intelligence platform QuMind has created an emoji-based analysis tool to help measure customer sentiment.

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The tool, called Sentiment Index, is positioned as an alternative to Net Promoter Scores, and works by asking respondents to choose the most appropriate emoji based on their actual experience.

QuMind said the idea of using an ‘emoji grid’ was to allow respondents to show how intensely they had positive or negative emotions about a consumer experience, and allow brands to understand the likelihood of complaints or positive reviews on social media, for example.

The emoji grid method was developed in partnership with Dr Aiden P Gregg, from the School of Psychology at the University of Southampton.

The QuMind Sentiment Index is available on QuMind’s consumer insights platform.

Mark Ursell, chief executive at QuMind, said: “As consumers, we all know that there’s a big difference between the types of passive negative experiences that might frustrate us in the moment, and those that lead us to leave bad reviews, take to social media, or make the decision to never engage with the brand again.

“Brands need richer insights into customer sentiment and our proprietary, successfully tested, and scientifically validated approach does just that.”